Mar 5, 2013

Insanity Day 09: Pure Cardio

My Weight: 132.2lb (total loss: 1.8lbs and down 1.0lb from yesterday)
C's Weight: 214lb (total loss: 4.0lbs and down 1.4lbs from yesterday)

My thoughts: I definitely pushed myself harder when C is present.  The pure cardio is great because there are no repetition.  However, there are no planned water breaks once the main exercises start.  Today, I probably took just as much water breaks as last time, but for a little shorter.  In the end, I do not feel the improvement here as I did with the other workouts.
C's thoughts: Every day I feel like I am getting better, but I cannot get through an entire workout.  Plus I can get through the first warmup sequence was an accomplishment.  Now I just need to get through the second.

- Post workout meal was the Healthy Choice Portabella Marsala Pasta (250 calories)
All ready to be baked... at 350
- Dinner was six jumbo stuffed shell of Love & Olive Oil's Pumpkin & Ricotta Stuffed Shells
     The recipe calls for olive oil, which was unnecessary for us.  As an amateur cooker, we used shredded hard romano cheese and low-fat ricotta.  Plus we used coarse sea salt rather than fine sea salt, because we had it available.  All of these choices are due to either having difficulty finding other choices or already having a form of the ingredients.  While I am unsure what effect that potentially had on the results, I did not believe the additional cost of buying it was necessary.  Since the meal was  delicious, I think I made the right choice.  What do you think?

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