Mar 7, 2013

Insanity Day 10: Plyometric Cardio Circuit

My Weight: 131.8lbs (Total loss: 2.2lbs in 1.5 weeks, down 0.2lbs from yesterday)
C's Weight: 213.2lbs (Total loss: 4.8lbs, down 0.8lbs from yesterday)

Workout: Cardio Circuit (also known as plyometric cardio circuit & 3rd time doing it)
My thoughts: I did not sleep well last night, so I was not motivated to do Insanity today.  After completing, I did not my usual energetic feeling.  When I truly contemplate it, though, I was able to finish the first and second interval of the warmup.  In addition, I was able to manage the in-and-out, but that move also hurt my knees.  I am unsure if I am doing it wrong, my shoes still needs to be broken in, or it is normal?

Confession... C brought brownies from Sugar Daddy's bakery so we also split one of those late last night.

- Prior to the workout I munched on a Kashi trail mix granola bar.
     Up until now I have been working out without eating first.  I know this is a big no-no but I primarily either roll out of bed and start insanity or go to class and do insanity as soon as I'm back.  So there is limited time to eat something, let it digest, and then workout (Or so I tell myself).
- Lunch was another Healthy Choice Steaming Entree, this time the Pumpkin Squash Ravioli (300 calories) which was totally not yummy.  Do not recommend it.
-Dinner was salmon with grilled vegetables.  As a C invention there is no recipes.

P.S. Since the exercises are starting to repeat itself, I'll be posting once a week and get back to my regular posts.

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