Mar 4, 2013

Insanity Day 08: Cardio Power and Resistence

My Weight: 133.2lb (total loss: 0.8 lb, and same last measurement)
C's Weight: 215.4lb (total loss: 2.6 lb, and 0.6 from last measurement)

C and I definitely got lazy on Sunday and did not eat well.  My meals consisted of making myself nachos whenever I felt hungry (so bad!)  So I am very surprised that somehow I did not gain all the weight (and some) back.

Mine: Still exhausting.  I do not feel like the workouts are getting easier, but somehow I am feeling better afterwards.  Though I think I tweaked my shoulder doing the moving pushups.  Definitely something to be worried about.   More importantly, I could do pushups.  I have not been able to do more than one or two full pushups in a long time.  So that has left me feeling happy.

C's: Today's workout was tough, but my form is getting better and getting more endurance.  But I still have a long way to go before I can complete all exercises with perfect form and maximum intensity.

- Breakfast involved  a Chobani yogurt
- Lunch was half a serving of Amy's Kitchen Mushroom Risotto and some crabcakes that C made while I took Teddy to the dog park.
- Dinner was a Skinnytaste Skillet Cajun Spiced Tilapia with Tomatoes where we replaced the flounder with tilapia.

     Note: replacing flounder with tilapia meant more pieces of tilapia to achieve the same weight.  We used 6 fillets, but the sauce did not seem enough for that many pieces.  Whether it is because our pan was a 12" skillet or other factors, there was just not enough sauce.  I probably would add just a little tomato juice/paste/sauce next time.

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