Mar 13, 2013

Insanity Day 17: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

C and I have been on vacation and have had no access to a scale.  Plus our food consumption have been primarily eating out, but we generally felt good afterward, because of our lent constraints.

My thoughts: I really like the abs workout add-on.  First, there is absolutely no sit-ups or crunches.  Personally, I am not a fan of that.  Instead it revolves around various plank and C-sit workouts.  These feel much more effective.  I have to pause still this second time around, but I already feel better than the first time we did it last Saturday.
         One good sign of results is my fitness test.  I had an overall 31.08% improvement.  {Calculated by evaluating each individual exercise's percentage improvement and then averaging those percentage improvements}  I have noticed that I can go through most of the warm up now without taking breaks.  So I have focused on increasing my speed/intensity and still have to pause.  My form is definitely improving as I maintain the same intensity, which makes me feel great!  Lastly, I can fit into some of my tighter pants, without feeling like it is squeezing the life out of me.

C's thoughts: I am feeling better in general and Insanity has become a habit.  The moves are not exactly getting easier, but my form is definitely improving.  With it my endurance has also improved and it is noticeable with specific workouts.  The ones I am struggling with include switch kicks but that is due to my tender ankle and desire to avoid re-injury.  This ab workout is brutal, but I have done the P90X ones.  The difference... P90X left me with a burn in my abs.  This is definitely more of a whole core workout.  Personally I prefer the P90X ab workout better.
         My fitness test results were an overall 24.38% improvement.  The noticeable improvement is after not even 2 and a half weeks.  It will be great to see what 60 days will bring.
         On a side note, we did our workout in the hotel barefoot.  I definitely do not recommend it.

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