Oct 27, 2013

P90X - Week 2 (Thoughts and comparison to Insanity)

C and I completed week 2, but separately.  He is off in Detroit enjoying the Lions vs. Cowboys game with his boys.  So we had to rely on the honor system to give our all for this workout.  I'll be honest... I did not.  I did not quite half-ass it, but it was not my all.

Crane Pose from Yoga X
My feeling after the second week is that it dragged a little.  The workouts are more familiar so I am on automatic for certain workout sequences.  Plus I did not get the soreness that I had gotten with the first week.  Other than being tired at work because I was getting up much earlier than my body wanted to, I was fine.  In addition, I have developed a frustration with yoga X.  As I have mentioned in week 1, the Yoga X takes over an hour and half.  There are also plenty of moves that most Yoga studios slowly transition you to, but Tony just expects me to do.  Such as the crane.  So I had to show C a video on how to do it as I could not explain it to him myself.  Currently he has succeeded to hold it for a couple seconds.  I have just been able to get one foot off.

Comparison to Insanity: How many have done the frog leap in the Plyometric and felt so sore afterwards?  Well P90X actually keeps their Plyometric easier than Insanity.  There are less impact on your knee in my experience.  So if you have the time then I would recommend P90X over Insanity for those with knee, shin or planter fasciitis concerns.

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