Apr 27, 2013

Insanity Day 62: Max Cardio Conditioning & Cardio Abs

We have almost done it!  Just one more day (Fit Test) before we are officially done with Insanity!  What a great sense of accomplishment!

The cardio conditioning is a rather slow paced workout considering its title.  Most of the workout focuses on strengthening the body rather than quick cardio (no sprints or bike pedal).  There are no repeat in the workouts (not a circuit) and no breaks/rest.  You can rest while Shaun T explains the next move, but there are no grey boxes meant to let you catch your breath.  That is where the conditioning comes into play.

Today C and I worked our butt on with little rest.  Though near the end he was caving with the cardio abs.  Personally I found the max cardio conditioning to be the easiest of the max interval workouts.  It lasts about 47 minutes in totality, with only 28 minutes for the actual workout.  Since nothing repeats, the pace is truly determined by you.  Though my objective was to try to keep up with Shaun T, but he stops a lot.

I have a confession; I did not feel the dramatic improvements in these last 4 weeks, like I did with the previous 4.  Maybe I have not pushed myself as hard as Shaun T would like.  In the end, I still cannot do a workout all the way through, like I can with the first 4 week sets.

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