Mar 27, 2013

Insanity Day 31: Recovery Week

Results (seen in measurements): In an article I read recently (still looking for link), it said the when one works out consistently the results are more likely to be seen in your ability to fit into your pants (clothes) rather than the scale.  As my last insanity post indicated, I felt this had occurred despite what the scale showed.  This motivated me to check my measurements and I saw some quantifiable improvements.  I have lost over 2 inches, primarily in my thighs and waist.  Exactly where I hoped to lose some inches.  C has me beat, though, and lost 5 inches.  However he is losing it in his arm and neck, which aren't his targeted area.  Though when he flexes his arm, he only lost 0.5" (versus the 1.75" lost in arm without flexing).  So bye-bye fat for both of us!

Our Thoughts on Recovery Week
My Thoughts: The recovery week could not have come at a better time!  I was starting to lose motivation as last week went on, because of allergies.  We have done both "Core Cardio & Balance" (about 35 minutes) and "Max Interval Sports Training" (about 60 minutes).  My consistency with the Core Cardio & Balance is much better than the Sports Training and I prefer the shorter time.

The Core Cardio & Balance consists of various core workout and have no repeats.  Since it is meant for recovery, I can workout with minimal pauses except with the arm workouts.  That is when I have to rest, despite Shaun T dictating I do not.  But my arms hurt SO much.  It reminded me of lifting weights with your arms out straight.  The Sports Training, on the other hand, was more cardio.  It incorporated football, basketball, track & field and gymnastic moves.  I was terrified to do one of the gymnastic move, because of my paranoia of breaking my neck.  In my opinion, the Sports Training is pretty different from Core Cardio & Balance.  So switching between the two is making this week better.

C's Thoughts: During the recovery week we decided to alternate between "Max Interval Sports Training and Core Cardio and Balance."  The two workouts are considerably different, but both offer a chance to recover.  The Core Cardio is the most difficult for me because it utilizes pulses that target specific muscle groups (thighs/shoulders).  Since I have heavier legs/arms these exercises are very strenuous and I can feel the burn almost instantly.  The pulses also require a considerable amount of balance, and after attempting the workouts I realize how much balance I lack.  As a result, I prefer this routine because I feel it allows me to work on my weaknesses.  Sports training, while tough, does not help me target a specific weakness such as balance.

At this point the results are noticeable and I am very excited for the next four weeks!

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