Apr 1, 2013

Insanity Day 36: Fit Test & Max Interval Circuit

Max Interval Circuit for the first time kills any delusion that you could be one of those people in the video behind Shaun T.

My weight: 131lbs (Just down 3 pounds from when I started)
My Fit Test: Switch Kicks - 120 (0 more than 3 weeks ago, but 10 more than first time)
                   Power Jacks - 50 (5 more than 3 weeks ago and 15 more than first time)
                   Power Knees - 110 (18 more than 3 weeks ago and 30 more than first time)
                   Power Jumps - 45 (15 more than 3 weeks ago and 25 more than first time)
                   Globe Jumps - 10 (1 more than 3 weeks ago and 4 more than first time)
                   Suicide Jumps - 16 (4 more than 3 weeks ago and 6 more than first time)
                   Push-up Jacks - 15 (8 more than 3 weeks ago and 10 more than first time)
                   Low Plank  Oblique - 47 (13 more than 3 weeks ago and 22 more than first time)
Overall average improvement of 34.71% versus last fit test and 78.64% versus first fit test.

C's weight: 211lbs (Down 7 pounds from start)
C's Fit Test: Switch Kicks - 100 (12 less than 3 weeks ago, but 20 more than first time)
                   Power Jacks - 64 (7 more than 3 weeks ago and 24 more than first time)
                   Power Knees - 122 (22 more than 3 weeks ago and 32 more than first time)
                   Power Jumps - 50 (24 more than 3 weeks ago and 27 more than first time)
                   Globe Jumps - 8 (4 more than 3 weeks ago and 5 more than first time)
                   Suicide Jumps - 14 (0 more than 3 weeks ago and 1 more than first time)
                   Push-up Jacks - 27 (4 more than 3 weeks ago and 7 more than first time)
                   Low Plank  Oblique - 56 (11 more than 3 weeks ago and 22 more than first time)
Overall average improvement of 32.21% versus last fit test and 64.00% versus first fit test.

Our thoughts about the higher intensity workouts...

My thoughts: The fit test + a new workout was killer.  I did not think about having to work out after the fit test, so I maxed myself out.  Afterwards, I was ready to sit down and drink a cup of milk.  Instead, we had to start the max interval circuit.  For the entire first half, I felt like I could throw up.  It was much more difficult than when I first started the "plyometric cardio circuit" on Day 1.  The workout runs for 59 minutes and 58 seconds (1 hour) and I see why many people burn about 1000 calories.

The worst workouts for me was the combination of 4 ski abs, 4 push-up jacks, 4 in-and-out and 4 plank obliques.  The second one was full body drill which including moving push-ups.  The ability to do a full push-up is a recently acquired talent for me.  So I was proud of the little I could do with a moving push-up.  Lastly the switch leg kick - on the ground - was done mostly like the girl with a hat on.  (With Tanya missing, she became my distraction.  I could not figure out why she was wearing a hat)  However I was able to get in about 4 switch leg kicks Shaun T style for each intensity.  This workout definitely pushes the body and I feel like I am further back than where I started: unable to do most of the workouts

C's thoughts: aoiwdnow ijdvsdlfh eghlk ahiawe tired wjojfn vjhguaer ghoaowh agha hate wah fgkjnsd fbjoigo aigajf lajf awijf wiejf *collapse*

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