Feb 28, 2013

Insanity Day 04: Cardio Recovery

My Weight: 134lb (total loss: 0lb, but up 1 from yesterday - just as I feared, yesterday's meal caught up with me.  Note to self: Do not eat out two meals in a day)
C's Weight: 216lb (total loss: -2lb, but 0 from yesterday )

Mine: Woke up with leg sore, right behind the knees.  Now I regret not having multiple Dr. Scholl's Sleep Slimming Socks.  However, the day was made brighter due to it being only a recovery (33 minutes).  Though I did also sign up to go to Zumba today.
     The workout consisted of lunges, stretches and a lot pulsing.  So much pulsing in lunge and squats.  While I was breathing hard and sweating a little during the workout.  Afterwards I did not feel as energized as I do after the other workouts.  Instead I am feeling rather mellow.

C's: It was a nice break.

-Post-workout Strawberry and Banana Smoothie
-Our early dinner before Zumba was Skinnytaste Shrimp Creole with sliced wheat bread and it was delicious!  I had thought the recipe calls for too much onion, but I should not have doubted SkinnyTaste

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