May 2, 2013

Insanity Results

Insanity is now done and at the end, C and I improved greatly in our fitness test.

Switch Kicks: 80 -> 137 (C) & 110 -> 124 (Me)
Power Jacks: 40 -> 70 (C) & 35 -> 68 (Me)
Power Knees: 90 -> 110 (C) & 80 -> 120 (Me)
Power Jumps: 23 -> 60 (C) & 20 -> 65 (Me)
Globe Jumps: 3 -> 10 (C) & 6 -> 9 (Me)
Suicide Jumps: 13 -> 13 (C) & 10 -> 18 (Me)
Push-up Jacks: 20 ->30 (C) & 5 -> 25 (Me)
Low Plank Oblique: 34 -> 70 (C) & 25 -> 70 (Me)

You can see that all but Globe Jump, Suicide Jumps and Push-up Jacks, I was able to tie or beat Tanya.  Very proud of myself!

We had only lost 8lbs (C) and 5lbs (Me).  But I suspect that is due to not watching our caloric intake.  Though we gave up a lot of bad/unhealthy food, we still ate a lot.  Especially the few days before the end of Insanity.  There were work dinners, engagement dinners and just loads of reasons we had to go out to eat.  To show how we did not reduce our caloric intake consciously (could have still happened), we still got snacks at the movie theater!  So considering that and my inches lost, I say we still did great!

Sorry this took so long, but you see... I'm engaged!  C proposed right when I was pouring us champagne to celebrate (I thought), the end of Insanity.
So you can guess where our blog is going next... WEDDINGS!