Mar 22, 2013

Insanity Day 26: Pure Cardio & Cardio Abs

My Weight: 133.6lbs

My thoughts: So we just finished another day of Insanity and for me it is another day of slight disappointment.  I am able to see my fitness level improvements.  I can continuously do most of the pure cardio workout (level 2 drills are still giving me a hard time), but at less intensity when tired.  The ability to not stop is a definitive sign that I have improved.  Plus I can do more full pushups than before.      This should be enough, because my objective was to improve my fitness.  However, I have seen little changes on the scale.

It has become increasingly frustrating to step on the scale and see no improvements there and no drastic improvement in the ab area.  C has continuously reassured me that there is physical improvements and I observe some of them.  My butt is tighter.  My thighs are probably smaller, because I slip into my pants easier.  However, I had expected more by this point.  So I am frustrated, but will continue.

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