Jan 1, 2013

New Year's Resolution: Being Healthy

One of my new year's resolution is to be more healthy.  This means losing weight, eating healthy and exercising more.  C will be doing it with me, so here is our plan:

  • Dietary changes
    • No more than one soda per month
    • No more than one bag of baked chips per month
    • No more cheese on sandwiches & burgers
    • Count calories, which means a food diary
    • No more than 6 beers per event
    • Drink 8 glasses of water or tea per day
  • Non-dietary changes
    • Minimum of 3 workouts a week for 30 minutes at a gym
    • Walk Teddy twice a week {we cheat at times with a large backyard }
    • More diligent in moisturizing {I choose sleep too much}
    • Get the recommended 6 - 8 hours of sleep
Does anyone else have healthy recommendations?  We will keep you updated on how we do.